Saturday, January 21, 2012

Layer Thickness and Perimeter Width

Layer Thickness and Perimeter Width

The 'Layer Thickness' parameter in carve has been renamed 'Layer Height'. The 'Perimeter Width' parameter has been renamed 'Edge Width', the corresponding 'Perimeter Width over Thickness' parameter has been renamed 'Edge Width over Height' parameter. The old parameter values should be read by the new skeinforge, but it's a good idea to check that they were.


The 'Remove Redundant Mcode' has been added. If 'Remove Redundant Mcode' is selected then M104 and M108 lines which are followed by a different value before there is a movement will be removed. For example, if there is something like:
M113 S1.0
M104 S60.0
M104 S200.0

with Remove Redundant Mcode selected, that snippet would become:
M113 S1.0
M104 S200.0

This is a relatively safe procedure, the only reason it is optional is because someone might make an alteration file which, for some unknown reason, requires the redundant mcode.


The bed temperature can now be set to change with the extruder height. The initial bed temperature is defined by 'Bed Temperature'. If the 'Bed Temperature End Change Height' is greater or equal to the 'Bed Temperature Begin Change Height' and the 'Bed Temperature Begin Change Height' is greater or equal to zero, then the temperature will be ramped toward the 'Bed Temperature End'. The ramp will start once the extruder reaches the 'Bed Temperature Begin Change Height', then the bed temperature will approach the 'Bed Temperature End' as the extruder reaches the 'Bed Temperature End Change Height', finally the bed temperature will stay at the 'Bed Temperature End' for the remainder of the build.


Added the running jump space parameter to comb. The running jump space is added before going from one island to another. If the running jump space is greater than zero, the departure from the island will also be brought closer to the arrival point on the next island so that the stringer between islands will be shorter. For an extruder with acceleration code, an extra space before leaving the island means that it will be going at high speed as it exits the island, which means the stringer between islands will be thinner.

Fill and Inset, Infill Width over Thickness change

The 'Infill Width over Thickness' parameter was moved from fill to inset. The old parameter value from inset should be read by fill.


The location parameter names have been shortened, Location Arrival X has been renamed Arrival X, Location Arrival Y has been renamed Arrival Y, etc.. The old parameter values should be read by the new wipe, you do not have to do anything. This section if just a heads up.

Download, Documentation and Forum

The stable skeinforge version is at:

The unstable skeinforge is on my website at:

The documentation is at:

The forum is at:


  1. Thank you for the change notice.

    I will be looking forward to using the chamber change for the build platform temperature ramp.

  2. Just updated to 2012-01-16, since -22 doesn't seem to work for me.

    I've got a feature suggestion, though: When using support, it would be a fair bit more economical on the support material when the support structure wouldn't be built at full width for the full height, but start as a thin column and then gradually widen to the full width required, like this:

  3. Hello Enrique, I am looking into the various SVG import/export possibilities in Skeinforge for some ceramic printing experiments with home made software that processes SVG slice data.

    Two questions:
    -Is it possible to add the 'Add layer template to SVG' toggle to the Vectorwrite tab in order to disable layer template in the export? Or is there another method to disable the layer template? Carve has this setting which removes all interface elements and (very important for our toolchain) it stacks the layers on top of each other instead of spreading them in a row when opened in graphic software. The problem with the spreading out is that the slices fall outside of the drawing area in illustrator and you can't manipulate them anymore. In Inkscape its OK but I want to be able to manipulate them in Illustrator in order to use Scriptographer.

    -Any documentation on the various SVG import export possibilities? Where is everything hidden? I found Carve, Vectorwrite on the output side. But it seams also possible to use one of this SVG files from carve (or similarly constructed SVG) as input for the rest of the Skeinforge chain? I am having a hard time understanding how this works from the documentation. Is there a tutorial somewhere?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Unfold,

      Thanks for working on the original wiki manual.

      I've added a 'Add layer template to SVG' toggle to the Vectorwrite in the latest version at:

      Please report the results to me by emailing me at:
      perez_enrique att

      You can open the SVG files from carve in the rest of the chain by opening that file in the file browser. If you can't see it in the file browser, ensure that the 'Files of type:' menu choice is set to SVG files or All or All Readable.

      The manual is now at:

      anyone can add to the documentation or write a tutorial.

    2. Super! Thanks. I will report back how it performs. That small toggle means a lot :)
      And thanks for the tip on importing SVG layers. So I would just select it when pressing the Skeinforge button or do I need to select a tool later in the toolchain, after carve? Or is Skeinforge smart enough to skip carve and continue from the SVG? What if it is a SVG that comes from Vectorwrite? I guess I'll just need to experiment a bit.

      It was a pleasure working on the initial wiki manual, its good to see that it is still in use even though I lack the time now to work on it. Will see if I can work a bit on the SVG part once I figured out how everything works. Its only a pity that everything I have contributed in the past is now missing attribution (or attributed to Bogdan), is this because of migrations? Would be nice if you could add me and the original contributors to the wiki credits somewhere. Ah, I can do it myself obviously :)

      Thanks Enrique for this wonderful beast of a tool (and for making it tamable)

    3. OK, now I understand. I load them from carve. Should have read better. Please ignore previous question!

  4. Hi Enrique,

    Could you tell me what the 'Volume Fraction (ratio)' setting in Inset is for? I've searched the documentation, forums and your blog but can't find any reference to it.


  5. Thanks a lot!
    your blog is very informative.
    Keep it always updated.
    The Layer Thickness package is accurate with multiple layers.
